Self Care

Self-care is a deliberate act of nurturing oneself physically, emotionally, or psychologically, and is a powerful tool to alleviate stress in both the short and long term.

Beyond stress reduction, it contributes to an enhanced sense of self-worth and serves as a preventative measure against potential psychological, physical or emotional crises. Individuals coping with mental health challenges or disabilities often experience issues like low self-esteem, sadness, anger, or fatigue. Self-care emerges as an invaluable practice to mitigate or manage chronic symptoms stemming from these conditions.


For those new to intentional self-care, a simple starting point involves posing the question, "What do I need right now?" and attentively listening to the immediate response that surfaces in the mind. Crafting a list of common stressors, paired with coping strategies or positive activities, provides a guide to navigate challenges. Establishing a dedicated time for self-care, whether daily or weekly, helps cultivate a more ingrained and comfortable routine over time.

Crucially, while self-care is pivotal for individuals grappling with mental health issues and disabilities, it holds universal significance for everyone. The difficulty in practicing self-care may intensify for those facing homelessness, unsafe environments, or lacking community support due to socio-economic factors. Paradoxically, these are the moments when self-care becomes most crucial.


Self Care Motivation

Initiating self-care involves embracing Opposite Action, which is the practice of actively engaging in actions contrary to one's emotional state. Self care does not need to include lengthy showers or extensive exercise, it can be as simple as hugging a stuffed animal, practicing positive self-talk, or allowing yourself to relax and do nothing. The key lies in listening to your body's signals.

Examples of Self Care

Self-care can be practiced in many ways, and these examples can be tailored to suit individual needs. For instance, if a full shower proves challenging, simpler acts like washing hands or using a warm face cloth can offer solace.

• Soak your feet in warm water.
• Try to get 7-10 hours of sleep per night.
• Avoid screens before bedtime.
• Choose foods that taste good and prove energy.
• Surround yourself with uplifting people.
• Distance yourself from negativity if possible.
• Take a break from screens to practice mindfulness.
• Listen to music that evokes positive emotions.
• Engage in creative outlets or journaling.
• Spend quality time with a pet, or visit a pet store or dog park.
• Practice muscle relaxation to help relieve tension.
• Connect with friends, even through calls or texts.
• Join clubs or organizations to foster community.
• Embrace moments of doing nothing as a radical act.
• Practice positive or neutral self-talk.
• Wear clothes that make you feel safe and confident.
• Use sensory stimuli like music, essential oils, or soft blankets.
• Acknowledge and congratulate yourself for achievements. Even seemingly small things like getting out of bed can be an achievement worth celebrating.
• Schedule overdue appointments with healthcare professionals.
• Seek help when needed. Reaching out for support is an act of strength.

Embarking on a self-care journey is a profound commitment to nurturing one's well-being, an ongoing process of self-discovery and self-compassion. It's an acknowledgement that prioritizing oneself is not only essential but also empowering and transformative.